Thursday, May 21, 2020

How you can avoid ‘Zoom fatigue’

Four people on a Zoom call look bored or tired

Zoom meetings can feel more taxing than face-to-face meetings, a psychologist says.

Video conferencing offers a way to stay connected with coworkers, family, and friends during the coronavirus pandemic. But too much of it can tax our brains to the point of “Zoom fatigue.”

Priti Shah, a psychology professor at the University of Michigan, studies cognitive tasks that require managing multiple goals, integrating different sources of information, and forming coherent, memorable representations.

Here, she explains what causes the Zoom fatigue, what lessons video conferencing can teach us, and how we can find a balance between Zoom and the rest of our life:

The post How you can avoid ‘Zoom fatigue’ appeared first on Futurity.

from Futurity

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